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03.26.04 || DeKalb Best Buy SucksSo I wait all week for this new Best Buy to come to DeKalb, because I want to get a video card. They open today, and I go in and look for the video card I want, and they don't have it. What BS is that? So we get this new store in DeKalb which is supposed to keep people in DeKalb rather than going to Geneva/St. Charles for shopping, but they don't have what I want, so what's the point of this store again?
Pete and I get thinking again, not that I didn't want to do this for my www.whiteography.com site a while ago, but to put my logo on a T-shirt. It was a fantastic idea in my eyes, so what if I have a big head, I think it was cool. So I ventured to Wal-Mart today, got me some iron on transfers and T-shirts. It looks cool, and works well, maybe I'll start my own line of clothing, who knows? Would you buy one? Would you wear it? Send a comment above!