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06.09.04 || New York CityWOW! What a trip! The New York trip was awesome. Just makes me want to go back. I had lots of fun there and lots of memorable events with Pete. I got back in town Tuesday night 6/8 and I work Wednesday and Thursday and then I'm heading out to Minnesota on Friday for my cousins graduation party. Needless to say I don't have much time before I leave to work on my website, and get the pictures up, however that 8 hour drive gives me time to work on it, on my laptop. So hopefully early next week I'll have it all done and get it up. I'm trying to make it really cool, have lots of cool pictures on it, I have 1024 pictures to go through, delete the bad ones and such so that's why it takes so long, anyways enjoy the picture below for now, many more to come.