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05.22.05 || Deserted DeKalbEveryone has moved out of DeKalb, I still sit here. The city of DeKalb’s population is cut in half when summer comes around, everyone moves back home. Weather it be back home to live off the parents, or a summer job or internship most NIUers vacate DeKalb. I'd say it’s rather lonely here, but I’m rarely here myself. I spend more time traveling to and from downtown Chicago every day, than being in DeKalb. This leaves me little time to work on business stuff, editing video, editing pictures and such. I do have a couple videos I need to get done, I'm rather behind.
Some of us go home and some go off to better places. Pete for instance, is heading to London tomorrow for a summer internship. This is the guy who I went to visit last summer, in New York City. Only if I could afford the $900 airfare to London, I would go visit him this summer too. Needless to say I won't be able to visit him, and I wonder the future of ill-noise.com. I’m sure he’ll do whatever it takes to get internet there, and update his site though, he doubts it, but I’m sure he’ll manage. Anyway, we got to have dinner tonight, before his 3 PM departure tomorrow. On the other hand, Krissy headed to ISU today for her Field Camp. She’ll be spending two weeks there doing what geologist do best, play with dirt. She has different names for this stuff I refer to as dirt, but those words are too big for me. Anyway, this leaves an open next two weeks for me. Not that I don't have work to do, like I mentioned before, but I guess it’s a matter of you want what you can't have.
A little update on the kitties, we have 3 healthy 6 week old kitties now, not sure what happened to the other 2, but nature probably took its course. The Kitties page has been updated with some new pictures.
actually i get to play with water this wk, dirt is soooo last week.
Posted by: Krissy at May 23, 2005 08:14 PM