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05.08.05 || FinalsAs I said freshman year, it hasn't changed:
It has commenced...finals week is upon us in full force, seizing what sanity I have left after a menacing term. The thought of a pure, utopian society has faded while NIU has captured the last breath of any rational existence and conquered our self-worth. In coming days it is likely to see a plethora of unpleasant faces staring into an oblivion that can only be experienced by the NIU society. The underlying prolificacy in which this institution so loves to put forth has taken a toll on our already feeble carcasses, in result of consuming repulsive dining hall rations. The possibility of survival is a distant notion...God help us all...
This is going to be a fun week, 3 finals tomorrow, 1 on Tuesday, and 2 Wednesday. Yep, 6 finals this semester. Why am I an engineer again? I should have picked COMS or something.
aye...exam period for me too. all the best for those, man. :)
Posted by: Ronny at May 9, 2005 11:00 AM