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11.17.05 || "Surprise" Birthday PartyAfter taking me out to dinner, Krissy rather surprised me with a party. It was supposed to be a surprise party, sure, and not that Yoshi and Chrissy yelling surprise when I walked in wasn’t a surprise, but what was more of a surprise was the amount of people who showed up after that. I realize in a college town not many people have a better thing to do on a Saturday night, than go to a party, but I thought it was pretty fun, and eventful. Thanks Krissy, and all those who came! And as always, here’s the pictures.
Looks like it was a great time, but you don't look drunk enough!
Posted by: Pete at November 18, 2005 11:57 PM
Happy Birthday!
Posted by: Ronny at November 19, 2005 03:49 AM