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12.05.05 || Christmas Light ShowThis little video intrigued me, I had to do a little searching on how this was done. Its stated on snopes.com that “Carson Williams, a Mason, Ohio, electrical engineer spent about three hours sequencing the 88 Light-O-Rama channels that controlled the 16,000 Christmas lights in his annual holiday lighting spectacular (from Christmas 2004). His 2005 display includes over 25,000 lights that he spent nearly two months hooking up. So that the Williams' neighbors aren't disturbed by constant noise, viewers driving by the house are informed by signs to tune in to a signal broadcast over a low-power FM radio station to hear the musical accompaniment.”
So I followed links on that site and looked up the Light-O-Rama equipment, and its going to run like $900 just for the computer hardware to control the lighting. So maybe in a few years when I have my own house, I’ll be able to do something like that. Probably won’t matter at that point, it’ll be old news, but that kind of stuff interests me. Lots of sites online have people commenting on ‘someone has too much time on their hands’; well it really doesn’t take that long if you have the right equipment and know how. He is an electrical engineer, I'm mechanical, but I bet I could figure it out.
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This guy is awesome. I first saw this on Inside Edition, but it is so cool. I just love it. I thought it was one of the best displays I have ever seen.
Posted by: slim at December 8, 2005 03:14 AM
the plug has been pulled on this display:
Posted by: Photo Phil at December 11, 2005 12:55 AM