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02.28.06 || What's the Future of Engineers?This is all too true. The grad students sure weren’t white folks.

Which is why I don't even expect on going back to grad school for Engineering. This kind of reminds me of the topic on Ill-Noise. Where is our knowledge going these days? I know many people who come here (USA) for the education, and leave and go back to their own country once they got thier degree.
I don't think those two graduates are representative of their percentages. It looks more like there's a 30% difference rather than a 16% difference. And sweetie, that's exactly why you should go back to grad school, to be smarter and know more than the foreigners. Before they completely take over.
Posted by: krissy at March 1, 2006 02:25 AM
i know many people who go to american colleges and don't come back! heck i wouldn't go back...
Posted by: Ronny at March 21, 2006 10:54 AM