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01.21.07 || Da BearsCall it fair-weather, call it a bad fan, yes I’m a Bears fan. No I’m not popping out of the woodwork and calling myself a Bears fan just because they are doing well, I’m just not a every day/weekend sports fan. I’ll watch the games when they’re doing good, but not every game.
Bears. Bulls. Cubs.
Back in the day yes, I almost watched every Bulls game, but not so much anymore. I guess you can’t call me a diehard fan like Pete. I don’t know specific plays, players’ names, status, etc. like a diehard fan; honestly, I don’t have the time for that.
So the Super Bowl is around the corner, and as every year yes I’ll be watching it. However this year is a little different, I wont be watching it just for the commercials this year, maybe for the game as well.
So this year we get a bonus, good team and good commercials.