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08.18.07 || 3 Days, and Counting...They better not disappoint, I've been waiting a year and a half for this to come out. C'mon Canon, make the EOS 40D something worth while. It's been 18 months since the 30D came out. At least give me the EOS Integrated Cleaning System featuring a Self Cleaning Sensor Unit. Or, how about the magnesium shutter box, like the Mark III has. Say 1.3x conversion with a 10mp sensor? Maybe faster than 5 fps, 3 inch screen? Oh, and make it less than $1500 please.

If I believe the rumors across the internet the 40D will be announced in 3 long days. Hit the stores September 2, that is if I believe Best Buy (Leaked internal information from Best Buy... big oops on Best Buy's part!).

Or maybe I should skip the 40D and go with the EOS-1 Mark III, it is an amazing camera, just got to play with one a couple days ago.

I mean sheesh, it is only $4500, body only.