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12.11.08 || 5th Annual End Of Year ListSorry folks, I’m way late this year. No birthday gifts this year, so you’ll have that much more to spend on Christmas. This is my year end list for those who still shopping for me. I’ve removed the super high dollar items being we’re all poor this year.You'll see the price and a link to where to buy the item! I make it to easy for you, I know. You can click on the link to see more of a description too.
We'll start with an air blow gun, my $2 one is leaking, so this would be nice.
$20, Sears
To keep the air tools going, I'll need some sockets. These are 1/2" drive deep and standard SAE sockets.
$140, Sears
Need to organize those, so the SAE socket organizer goes well.
$9, Harbor Freight
I also have metric set already, that I need to organize.
$9, Harbor Freight
And we'll need to protect my new toolbox from all these new tools with a tool box liner. This will work, or the kind that is a soft smooth liner, vs this one that has like window screen like form to it. Sorry, I dont have a link for this.
$6, Harbor Freight
We'll also want to add a power tool, 3/8 air ratchet.
$35, Sears
Now we'll need 3/8" drive sockets to go with it.
$30, Sears
Ok we'll switch gears: Cameras is the obvious next items.
This is what I'd really like to get, Canon 5D Mark II kit with the 24-105 IS lens.
$3500, B&H
Or, I suppose body only will suffice. Hurry to order though, they are backordered.
$2700, B&H
This would be the next one I'd want, would much rather have the 5D though. This is the Canon 50D with the 18-200 IS kit lens. It has an instant rebate on it, hurry!
$1615, B&H
So, thats a little high for your budget still, we'll bring it down. Off camera flash cord. One of each length, 20" and 34".
This one the price dropped, I probably will get it if you don't, a black and a white muslin background, 10'x12'.
So, thats the list so far, maybe I'll add more, we'll see. Merry Christmas!