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11.05.09 || 6th Annual End Of Year ListI was really late last year, this year hopefully I've allowed enough time to get my birthday presents, just over a week (the 14th if you don't remember). I know we all get tired of the cameras always popping up on here, so maybe I'll only add one this year. For those that aren't following this tradition, you need to communicate with each other, and make sure every item on that list is accounted for.
You'll see the price and a link to where to buy the item! I make it too easy for you, I know. You can click on the link to see more of a description too.
Here it goes in price order:
Still haven't got one, I'll keep this on my list, my $2 one is leaking, so this would be nice.
$20, Sears
An item to help hang pictures:
$25, Sears
Add to my lighting capabilities:
$30, Calumet
These cards work well, Sandisk 8GB Extreme III.
$33 (each for 3), B&H
Neat measuring tool.
$35, Sears
We'll keep this one too, 3/8 air ratchet.
$35, Sears
This is pretty neat, may come in useful:
$80, B&H
Cordless drill with 1/2 inch chuck, two batteries.
$100, Sears
Out of all the tools, this is what I've needed the most, Reciprocating Saw with tool-less blade change
$100, Sears
If you would like to be generous, the extra drill would come in handy.
$140, Sears
More lights for better photos:
$370, Calumet
Ok only one camera on the to-get list: Canon 7D (with the 28-135 lens please).
$1900, B&H
So, thats the list so far, maybe I'll add more, we'll see. Have a good holiday!
how about one of these too, $40:
Posted by: Photo Phil at November 8, 2009 07:00 PM