« November 2009 | PhotoFill News Home
12.10.10 || 7th Annual End Of Year ListBack by popular demand, a little late this year. Being you didn't have a list to go by for my birthday, you now have more $ to put toward my Christmas gift! So lets all pull together, communicate over Facebook private messaging, and make sure all the items on the list are accounted for.
A few Items are still on the list from last year, in price order:
Calumet Genesis lighting accessories
LCD Monitor Desk bracket (I'll take 4 of these! ... yes 4! ;) )
42" Foldable reflector (...or the 52")
Travelite 2 head pack
(Ideally this kit with the PocketWizards)
WOW! Nothing over $1000! Now you can afford to buy everything!