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06.09.05 || UndercoverFor those hanging around DeKalb this summer, or coming back anytime soon watch out for new Dekalb unmarked police cars. They have a few I’ve noticed, obviously the usual darker color Ford Crown Victoria’s, and Chevy Impala’s. Also look for a white Mustang, older body styled one, not the new 2005 body style. The newest to the list, that I've seen is a black 1997-2003 Pontiac Grand Prix, like the one below.
They’ve added hidden strobes and tinted windows on this car, totally does not look like a police car. They’re getting more and more sneaky, just waiting for you to do something wrong like speed down Annie Glidden. This is where I saw the cop in this car, pulled someone over, most likely speeding, but obviously I have no idea. Anyways let me know if you see any other cars in the DeKalb area..
And don't forget to watch your speed in work zones, apparently starting in July they are going to start video taping workzones to catch speeders.
And another item of interest: a bill that I believe is currently going though the law making system that will place a computer chip into your drivers license so you'll be easier to track. and of course it will help prevent fraud and every other evil matter.
Big Brother is Watching. Slowly but surely George Orwell's warnings of "1984" are coming true and the government is taking away little rights(to "help" us) one by one.
Posted by: krissy at June 10, 2005 03:50 PM
thanks krissy, i'm the one who told you about that drivers license stuff, and you didnt believe me;)
Posted by: BMF at June 10, 2005 04:00 PM
the internet told me it was true, so it must be
Posted by: Krissy at June 10, 2005 07:31 PM
the internet lies
Posted by: bigbird at June 14, 2005 05:26 PM