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   04.24.06 || House

Well I guess I am quickly accomplishing my goals. At least when I start spending money, I spend a lot, very quick.

I can mark the next goal off the list.

Graduate College:    Check
Get a Job:                 Check
Buy a Car:                Check (actually cash) ;)
Buy a House:            Check (click)

The sellers have signed the papers, now I get the inspection (this Friday) and the loan and all that good stuff. No, unfortunatly I couldn't pay cash for this also. I know, so sad. Closing is May 26th, so party at my place that weekend. (it’s a long weekend too) ;)

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   04.18.06 || Goals

There’s one thing I heard when I was in college a lot: “Stay in school, the real world sucks”. Well, I’d have to admit I was tired of college, the whole idea of tests was just getting old. I was more tired of not having money and not being able to get what I wanted. I’m glad I stayed in school to get my degree, but I’m glad I’m out.

There are a few goals we should all have, graduate high school, go to college, etc. but also a goal many males have: getting a new car. Well I’ve finally met that goal. I got a 2002 Grand Am GT yesterday.

I couldn’t beat the deal, the guy I got it from bought the car brand new and kept it in pristine condition. He was a fellow like me, washed it all the time, kept really good care of it. This was perfect for me, something I would want for my own car, except I didn’t have to pay the new car retail price. I bought it from him private party, so didn’t have to deal with dealer crap. The other plus side is the car still has a GM warranty on it, this guy even got an extended warranty, so it still has a year left of warranty. He also gave me the original window sticker and many other documents he had on it, very cool.

I’m sure if you’ve known me at all, you wonder why the hell I got a Grand Am? Well yes I've wanted a Grand Prix since 1997 when the new body style came out, but my girlfriend also has a Grand Am (which is rather funny, both of us with basically the same car) so I knew I liked these cars, and fit in them decently. But what sold me on the deal even more was if I got a Grand Prix, I would have to get a loan, this car however, I paid cash. Yep, I got my first car, and bought it cash, I couldn’t beat that.

Needless to say, I’m rather excited to have my first car, as far as the 1989 Oldsmobile Delta 88 I used to drive, and have for my whole driving career, we’ll most likely be selling it soon. It has 267,000 miles on it, and still runs great. Any buyers?

As I like to say:

Graduate College:    Check
Get a Job:                 Check
Buy a Car:                Check
Buy a House:            Pending

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   04.02.06 || Best Speech Ever

At my cousins wedding the best man had his chance to speak as usual, well this wasn’t just a normal speech, he shortened it. I happened to video her wedding, so I caught it on tape, and she wanted to send the speech into AFV (Americas Funniest Videos). So I made a tape for her with the speech on it, and she sent it in. We didn’t win anything, but it was played on TV, Friday March 3, 2006 on ABC (channel 7). In the clip here it is the third video where the announcer says “The best man with the worst speech”:

Click to watch video.

It’s a classic.

"I had a long nice speech prepared, but I decided to save that for Brian's next wedding."

How would you like your best man to say that about you for your wedding? Or even better how would you think you wife feels after your best man said that?

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