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06.09.06 || Grill NestUnpacking is still going well. I’ve been spending some time traveling for work so I haven’t been home this week to work on organizing and unpacking. I just have been really busy with work, weddings, and picture/video stuff so it doesn’t leave much time for anything else. The last couple weekends we’ve had family and those friends who have made it out here to see the house, so I’ve got use my grill a couple times. Well this is what nature thinks of my grill.

Needless to say I need to get a grill cover to keep the birds from making nests in my grill, and pooping all over the sides.
I've found a lot of stuff I still need, mostly simple stuff, just need to get it. The only thing major Krissy and I haven’t decided on yet is furniture. There are a few options of getting used stuff, and maybe we will, but we are also considering getting some new furniture. I basically have 3 living/family rooms that I can put furniture in, two ‘family rooms’ that have a TV. What I call the ‘backroom’ because it can’t be confused with the ‘frontroom’, and also downstairs where there is another family/living room. I could call that the entertainment room because the previous owners had put speaker wire in the walls and everything for surround sound. Anyways the planning is still taking place, along with the many other summer things going on, ‘tis going well.
I also took out the first casualty in the house today. Somehow there was a dead mouse in the garage, right under my right front tire when I back into my garage. Krissy noticed it today, it was run over, I don’t know why the mouse would dive under my tire as I was pulling out for work this morning, but it sure got squashed.