PhotoFill News Home | April 2004 »
03.31.04 || Jager GirlsPretty eventful day for Kristen yesterday. I think she had a good time, she thanks all who remembered her birthday, and those who went out with her. Unfortunately at the bar they don't like me taking pictures, however the Jagermeister girls were there and we got a picture with them. Unfortunately their Polaroid camera is not wide enough for the big group we had, I was cut off on the right. It's our only picture of Kristen's birthday celebration, call me a slacker, yes I know I should have got a picture of the group of us at the restaurant, oh well, so I missed a picture. :P

03.30.04 || Whiteography T-Shirts
Yes they're now available, a new trend is on the horizon! After many hard hours of working, playing, we finally came up with something we like. Whiteography T-shirts:
(I’ve sense taken these links down, if you are interested, contact me.)

03.27.04 || Accident
In my adventure down 38 today I came upon a road block, so I talked to the police, and he mentioned of an accident, so I pursued a little closer. After staying there for an hour and taking 68 pictures I have a good idea of what happened. Click on the picture below for a brief description of what happened today.
>>Updates (3/29/04), (3/31/04), (4/1/04)

03.26.04 || DeKalb Best Buy Sucks
So I wait all week for this new Best Buy to come to DeKalb, because I want to get a video card. They open today, and I go in and look for the video card I want, and they don't have it. What BS is that? So we get this new store in DeKalb which is supposed to keep people in DeKalb rather than going to Geneva/St. Charles for shopping, but they don't have what I want, so what's the point of this store again?
Pete and I get thinking again, not that I didn't want to do this for my site a while ago, but to put my logo on a T-shirt. It was a fantastic idea in my eyes, so what if I have a big head, I think it was cool. So I ventured to Wal-Mart today, got me some iron on transfers and T-shirts. It looks cool, and works well, maybe I'll start my own line of clothing, who knows? Would you buy one? Would you wear it? Send a comment above!

03.25.04 || Site Updates
OK as you can see, if you pay attention to my site, I have got to work on it more today. I've decided that I pretty much know my test, I think I'll be fine on it, I know the stuff pretty well, it's only thermodynamics.
These pictures are from my door to my room in my apartment and my closet door. It's hard to see what exactly all that is, but I've put up the picture from the paper that I get printed. Obviously you all know, (or should know by now) that my site is dedicated to my job at the Northern Star. I have 63 pictures printed so far, as you can see on my site. Not too bad I might say.

03.24.04 || New Site
Thanks to Pistol Pete for helping me with this site, in design layout, and other web design programming questions now I have a new design for my homepage. After lots of frustration and hours thinking, I finally have fixed this home page. Let me know what ya'all think.
Unfortunately I have two tests coming up, and Pete started me on this, so it might take me a little while to get it all finished, and the way I like it.