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06.30.04 || Uncle Stafford R.I.P.After getting back home from work at Joliet, I grabbed my stuff to take back to DeKalb tonight. Then went out to eat with mom, and found out my great uncle died this morning. When we went to Minnesota two weeks ago dad, grandma and I went to see him. He wasn't doing too well, I didn't think he was going to last long, pretty sad really. He did tell me to "stay out of trouble" though, I told him I would. My Uncle Stafford was a Civil Engineer, we had many talks when I started out as an engineer, even though I'm mechanical, civil is similar. He was the only engineer on my dad's side of the family, so I rather looked up to him. He also served in a war, not sure which, but he was active with the veterans. I'll miss the old fellow, R.I.P.. At right is my grandma with her brother, my uncle Stafford, Thanksgiving 2002. (click for bigger picture)
On another note, Kristen just got foot surgery today, she had a bunion removed. She's doing alright, hopefully I'll be able to go visit her, before she gets her walking cast put on. Wish her good luck in getting better, if you would.

06.27.04 || Birthday Pics Up
Happy Birthday to Emily as we celebrated her birthday yesterday. I got the pictures up in record time I think, only one day later, luckily I had a little extra time today, and if I didn't get the pictures up today, I probably wouldn't. She got a nice plate of whipped cream in the face/hair by her lovely sister, what a nice lil sis.

06.23.04 || Digital Display
Well we had the first wedding where we set up our 'digital display'. What I do for that is take my laptop and set up a flat screen monitor and set the digital pictures I took at the ceremony and misc. at the reception for people to look at. This gives a instant feedback for those who weren't at the ceremony, or for those who were they get to see the pictures right away. It turned out pretty well, I got lots of good feedback from it, the bride also said she had people come up to her and say that they liked it, so I'm glad it all worked out. I took 479 pictures total, went through them, and got the number down to 430 pictures that I'll give them, they were the best ones. Granted my dad also took film pictures, he's probably got another 200 or so, that's what he usually takes. This was a trial wedding for this digital camera, and that display, I think it all works pretty well. The picture is one that I took at the wedding, there are more on the events page.

06.14.04 || New York City Pictures
Well after probably twenty hours of work I've got it done. Spent the weekend while in the van traveling, working on my website. I've got my own little office in the backseat of our van, worked out well actually. Well, take a look, lots of pictures there, neat design I think. As always let me know what you think, that's what the "Comments" are for!
Well the first day back to work wasn't too bad, I found out I got paid for the holiday, thats pretty sweet. Now I've got to catch up on all the stuff I've put off because I've been out of town. Lots of cleaning and organizing to catch up on, we'll see how long it takes. Also for anyone who cares, my car turned 240,000 miles today, what a beast.

06.09.04 || New York City
WOW! What a trip! The New York trip was awesome. Just makes me want to go back. I had lots of fun there and lots of memorable events with Pete. I got back in town Tuesday night 6/8 and I work Wednesday and Thursday and then I'm heading out to Minnesota on Friday for my cousins graduation party. Needless to say I don't have much time before I leave to work on my website, and get the pictures up, however that 8 hour drive gives me time to work on it, on my laptop. So hopefully early next week I'll have it all done and get it up. I'm trying to make it really cool, have lots of cool pictures on it, I have 1024 pictures to go through, delete the bad ones and such so that's why it takes so long, anyways enjoy the picture below for now, many more to come.

06.07.04 || In NY
I'm in New York, for those who don't know. To make a long story short I forgot my power cord for my laptop, luckily I have 3 batteries for it, so I'm doing alright so far. It's a LOT of fun, taking many pictures, and after I get back I'll get them up for all to look at. I'm coming back Tuesday, 6/8. Here's where I am people:

Lower Manhattan, Sunday night.

06.01.04 || PW in Oak
So I finally get something new to put on my site. It took me probably about 3 months to make this, only working on it when I went home, and had the time, but it's finally done, and looks pretty cool. I would like to make a few more things like this, but it's simply a piece of oak, that I cut out my PW symbol on. I stained it to give its wood grain and golden honey tint. Along with all the other hobbies and such I have, I also like to do woodworking. I would rather make my own stuff than buy it, and I can customize my own stuff, perfect example is this. It's about 11" wide by 10" high for those who are interested.
Work has been going as usual, same old spreadsheet stuff and I only have 3 more days till New York! I cant wait, I've been looking online finding stuff, and also talking to Pete about stuff to do, hopefully he knows enough by now he can be the tour guide for me, we'll see 3 days and counting.